There are two kinds of deafness, reduced hearing and total hearing loss.
My hearing power is slowly but certainly reducing, my wife, however, is totally, completely and profoundly deaf and has been since contracting meningitis as a child. The infection destroyed the eardrum on the right side and partially destroyed the eardrum on the left.
No one would guess from her speech that she is deaf, she has been reading lips most of her life and guessing the words that she misses and making sense of it all.
This takes incredible concentration and she finds it very tiring indeed.
Consequently we avoid most situations that put pressure on her, like get togethers, gatherings, and most other social situations.
She never complains....ever !
We both just accept our problem, her deafness involves and affects both of us, sometimes making us laugh when we both misunderstand each other's words.
We don't ever let the problem become a problem.